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  • PinnedPosted: Jul 11
    The benefits of autonomous trucking to the state and the challenges faced in implementing the technology will be key topics of the North Dakota Autonomous Trucking Conference to be held in Bismarck, October 16-17.
  • Posted: Sep 10
    Mark your calendar for September 25, 2024 and plan to attend the Cass County Highway Department Open House. This is an event that NDLTAP assists with for the local agencies. The Open House gives the public an opportunity to meet the staff and learn about the work that the agency performs. It is also a great event to bring staff and families together. The kids will have the opportunity to learn the job their parents are doing. Various equipment will be available for viewing.
  • Posted: Aug 12
    Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide event held each August that recognizes the successes of workplace health and safety programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep America's workers safe. This year Safe + Sound Week will provide resources for businesses on Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). These materials will be posted before the start of Safe + Sound Week. Please check back soon!
  • Posted: Aug 1
    Blind spots behind and around vehicles are not immediately obvious to employees on foot. By training employees on where those blind spots are and how to avoid being in them, employers can prevent some back over incidents.
  • Posted: Jul 3
    This conference, scheduled for Oct. 21-23 in Sioux Falls, is a valuable investment, providing an opportunity to learn and share ideas about building and maintaining safe local roadways.
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608 E Boulevard AveBismarck, ND 58505